Creating your own blog using github pages, jekyll and travis
Github offers at the time of writing three different types of pages: for users, organizations and projects. For the users and organizations the master
branch is going to be used to deploy as static web page. For projects, means in a repository which is not called
, a subpath of the user pages would be created
Hence this post is going to discuss the a simple workflow using Github’s user pages, jekyll as blog and pseudo dynamic page, travis as our continuous integration solution for deployment purposes.
First setup a new user page on Github using for example the page generator or simply setting up a new repository called
. Github will automatically create a new master
branch which is used for deploying the content to the web server. In our case, we need to have a separate branch for our blog which is setup using jekyll. Therefore create a new branch e.g. called develop
as follow
# Creates our branch, without any parents (it's an orphan!)
git checkout --orphan develop
# Remove all files from the old working tree
git rm -rf .
echo "My GitHub Page" > index.html
git add index.html
git commit -a -m "First pages commit"
git push origin develop
Now we are ready to add our jekyll page to this develop
Now that we have a master
and develop
branch, former for the jekyll compilation and later for your source, we can setup our blog. As described in the jekyll documentation we need to have at least a _layouts
directory for the templates that wrap posts, a _posts
for dynamic content and the rest of html and other files for you layout.
In addition we need to setup a _config.yml
file to tell jekyll the compilation options. A example could look like the following:
destination: ./_site
lsi: true
pygments: true
markdown: rdiscount
permalink: date
extensions: [smart]
exclude: ['Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', 'Rakefile', '', '']
Travis CI
Travis is used to automatically deploy the develop
branch and push the result of the jekyll build
output to the master
branch which the would be published to the Github pages.
For that we need first to get travis access to our Github repository. If you do not have a travis account register one on the homepage. On The travis homepage go to the account settings and get access to the appropriate repository like in the image below:
The next step is to configure the build process. For that create a new file called .travis.yml
in the root directory of the develop
branch and add the master
branch to the blacklist and the develop
branch to the whitelist.
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
- master
- develop
script: rake travis
As you can see in the .travis.yml
file the jekyll deployment starts with the command rake travis
which is implemented in the Rakefile
file which uses the Gemfile
for ruby library dependencies. So create the files Gemfile
and Rakefile
in the root directory of the develop
For the above _config.yml
configuration add the following RubyGem dependencies to the Gemfile
source ''
gem 'jekyll'
gem 'rdiscount'
gem 'redcarpet'
For travis deployment add the following task to the Rakefile
#!/usr/bin/env rake
task :travis do
system("jekyll build")
Lastly we need to create a bash
script to push the compiled jekyll page to the master
branch. For that authorize travis to do commits and pushed as follow:
curl -X POST -u <your_github_username> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"scopes\":[\"public_repo\"],\"note\":\"token for pushing from travis\"}"
and copy the token
key from the json result.
Now install the travis gem, encrypt the values of environment variables and add it to the .tavis.yml
gem install travis
travis encrypt -r <user>/<repository> GH_TOKEN=<token> --add
Lastly you need to create a bash file which pushes the update to he master
branch using the GH_TOKEN
which was encrypted before and need to be registered in the .travis.yml
as after_success
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then
echo -e "Starting to update master\n"
cp -R _site $HOME/_site
cd $HOME
git config --global ""
git config --global "iocast"
git clone --quiet --branch=master https://${GH_TOKEN} master > /dev/null
cd master
rm -rf ./*
cp -Rf $HOME/_site/* .
git add -f .
git commit -m "Travis build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER pushed to master"
git push -fq origin master > /dev/null
echo -e "Done magic with coverage\n"
and add the following lines to the end of the .travis.yml
after_success: ./