Rust OOP?!...
Wer kennt das nicht. Man lernt gerade eine neue Programmiersprache und möchte alt bewärtes anwenden. Hmmm 😕 😠 😡 … nur wie? Diesesmal versuche ich einige OOP Konzepte in Rust umzusetzen.
Mehrdeutiger Funktionsaufruf (“Funktionen überladen”)
trait Pretty {
fn print(&self);
trait Ugly {
fn print(&self);
struct Foo;
impl Pretty for Foo {
fn print(&self) {}
struct Bar;
impl Pretty for Bar {
fn print(&self) {}
impl Ugly for Bar{
fn print(&self) {}
fn main() {
let f = Foo;
let b = Bar;
// we can do this because we only have one item called `print` for `Foo`s
// more explicit, and, in the case of `Foo`, not necessary
// if you're not into the whole brevity thing
<Foo as Pretty>::print(&f);
// b.print(); // Error: multiple 'print' found
// Bar::print(&b); // Still an error: multiple `print` found
// necessary because of in-scope items defining `print`
<Bar as Pretty>::print(&b);