Rust OOP?!...
by iocast

Wer kennt das nicht. Man lernt gerade eine neue Programmiersprache und möchte alt bewärtes anwenden. Hmmm ... nur wie? Diesesmal versuche ich einige OOP Konzepte in Rust umzusetzen.


My new Server (Pine64) on armbian
by iocast

Short instruction to install armbian on the Pine64+, configuring the hostname, WiFi, timezone, file system table and installing Samba.


My personal file server on a Cubox from SolidRun using Arch Linux
by iocast

Who does not dream from a fast electric saving home server. In this blog I'm going to describe, how to setup a headless file server using Arch Linux on the Cubox from SolidRun.

Javascript localization part 1
by iocast

Since the first edition of ECMAScript (ECMA-402) Javascript supports the output of language sensitive representation of a Date or Number object which is often overseen by many developers.

GitHub Pages for a repository compiling using Travis CI
by iocast

Here I describe how you could use Travis CI to generate e.g. a Sphinx documentation when you already have a GitHub token for Travsi CI and want to reuse it.


Joining a Active Directory on Linux - the easiest way!
by iocast

This post shortly outlines how you could join a Active Directory under linux.

Ubuntu 12.04, PGSQL 9.3, PostGIS 2.1 and PL/R against libgdal1h from scratch
by iocast

In this post I am going to describe how you could install PostgreSQL 9.3 and compile PostGIS 2.1 against libgdal1h on Ubuntu 12.04. It also describes how to install the latest R environment 3.0.2 and the PL/R extension for PostgreSQL.

Python 2.7.x and mod_wsgi on a CentOS 6
by iocast

Read how to install Python 2.7.x on CentOS 6 and compile mod_wsgi against Python 2.7.x.